Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Microsoft Developing Transparant Monitor With 3D Sensor

Apparently Microsoft is secretly developing a cool computer that could potentially revolutionize the way we had been in using a computer. Developed by Jinha Lee, a researcher who now works in Microsoft, was born of a real product, during which only a fine science fiction movie viewers. Although the shape is still a prototype, the 3D sensor function that uses the Kinect sensor support can be seen already works pretty well.

Behind the futuristic functions, the tool has an odd physical shape. The keyboard is located just behind the scenes. This, supported by a transparent OLED display from Samsung, it will allow a user to switch between the keyboard controller and hand movement sensors. So although it's brilliant for a job in the field of design, but for simple jobs like typing or gaming, I think we need to wait until there is a recommendation from an eye doctor first.