Friday, December 28, 2012

Public Relation Power

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when someone says "public relations"? Schmoozing or spinning? Creating buzz or building awareness? Most people think public relations means generating publicity, and, in turn, sending news releases. Nothing wrong with this model, but it’s a narrow definition of public relations and it limits the results or exposure you could be getting.

Good public relations is a carefully planned, sustained effort to establish your company identity, maintain credibility and promote communications between your company and its public. It means getting the word about your company to the media so that they, in turn, will keep your name and good deeds in front of their audience your potential customers.

While publicity is a big part of public relations and news releases are a viable tactic, there’s so much more to public relations. As such, we’d like to expand your definition of public relations to this, public relations is more than publicity, and many tactics exist beyond the news release for accomplishing your goals.

In fact, at the core, public relations is all about strategy – about planning, messaging, and thinking about your audience and goals. It's about strategy pertaining to managing your image and reputation. For example: What you say about your company, products, or services? What your customers/prospective customers say? How all of these people perceive or feel about your company, product, or services?

Let’s take this one step further. Depending on the needs or goals of your company, It can help generate publicity, shape opinion, build awareness, educate audiences, drive sales, build relationships, and build your brand. And now you have the full picture of public relations.
Public relations is a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. Are you using it to your advantage? Are you thinking beyond the news release? If not, let us show you how. At the core, public relations is a strategic function managing image and reputation. It also helps generate publicity, shape opinion, raise awareness, educate audiences, drive sales, build relationships, and build brands.