Saturday, December 29, 2012

Negative Publicity: Companies Could go Bankrupt

Crisis management, often referred to as risk or emergency management, is the process that implements strategies to counteract the negative affects of an event or action that can damage the reputation of an individual or an organisation.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Public Relation Power

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when someone says "public relations"? Schmoozing or spinning? Creating buzz or building awareness? Most people think public relations means generating publicity, and, in turn, sending news releases. Nothing wrong with this model, but it’s a narrow definition of public relations and it limits the results or exposure you could be getting.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sport Marketing

Consumers currently have higher expectations than in the past. Dramatic improvement in the world of media, communication, and transportation makes economic activity in the world is getting connected. Product development made in one country can attract the attention of countries from other parts of the world.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Blogs, Advertising and Customer

Advertising is a means of communication for product delivered through various media so that the public interest to accept and follow. Advertising is a medium of information created in such a way that could attract audiences, original, and have specific characteristics and persuasive so that the consumers or the public to voluntarily compelled to do something in accordance with the desired action advertiser. The function of advertising in marketing is to strengthen the drive needs and desires of consumers for a product to achieve customer satisfaction.

Friday, December 7, 2012

TV vs Internet Advertising

Advertising serves to inform or sensitize an individual or a community of the existence of a product / service or a brand. At this time, people are bombarded by thousands of messages of advertisers, so that not all the messages of advertising can penetrate and smooth the way for a product / service or known by a customer. Thus, effectiveness is an advertising today is very different from ten years ago.

cause not strong TV advertising as a marketing tool is the amount of time consumed for online communities on the Internet, compared to ten years ago. According to a study in 2003 (from Harris Interactive and Teenage Research Unlimited), among teens and young people spend time online an average of 17 hours per week (not including the time to read and send e-mail). While time spent watching TV among the only 14 hours per week, and to listen to the radio 12 hours a week. Moreover, with the widespread use of social networking such as facebook, twitter, and similar, in the last 2 years, make time to watch TV less and less.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

CSR in Acer lnc

Many of today’s businesses think of CSR asmaking these types of paternalistic, charitable  contributions. However, he continues, there is another form of CSR, that is, the stewardship principle. According to this view, corporations become stewards or public trustees by using their resources to affect all people in society in fundamental ways, not just stockholders. This latter principle led to modern stakeholder theory in which corporate managers recognize the need to interact meaningfully with all groups who have a stake in the organization’s activities. Although stewardship ideas were discussed in the works of Abrams, Bowen, and Eells, it was during the 1960s and 1970s, that CSR underwent some of its most important iterations.